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South Ottawa Little League


2024 Summer Program
(only players registered in the spring program are eligible)

Canadian & National teams:   
Please visit the 2024 Summer Ball tab on the website for tryout dates, location and times.
Program details are below. The city interlock game schedule will be available at the end of June and starts right after Canada Day. Playoffs conclude mid to the end of August but never on or past Labour Day.  Unlike spring ball, games are NOT on consistent days but are primarily during the week not weekends.  Rained out rescheduling and tournaments can be on weekends. 

Provincial program:  10 Sessions ---  Monday & Wednesday  6:00pm - 7:30pm 
Arch Street School -- Northeast diamond --  2129 Arch Street behind Arch Street school.  Park in the lot beside the school
Monday July 8 to Wed Aug 14  (no session on Mon Aug 5 Civic Holiday).  $50.00  
There are NO tryouts for Provincial - it's first come, first served registration.


At rookie, we aim to form two or more teams to compete in the summer interlock program with teams from the Ottawa area, usually Ottawa West, Orleans and East Nepean. Two games per week plus one practice per week at the coaches discretion.  Teams may participate in tournaments depending on availability and interest.  There are two divisions in this age category - Canadian (A) and National (B).  Both divisions use a coach pitch format -  our Cdn team(s) will use the pitching machine.   All players are encouraged to tryout. We will hold tryouts in mid June - we hope to accommodate all interested players and will only release players if necessary due to numbers or for significant safety concerns which is very rare.     

Spring provincial level players are eligible to continue in the summer provincial program. There is no summer city-wide interlock program for the provincial level which means all provincial sessions are held at the same local diamond each week, and does not involve driving to other parts of the city. 

The program starts after Canada Day in July and finishes by mid August.  The focus will be on continued skill development as well as game play through intersquad scrimmages.  Spring coaches willing to be part of this should communicate with the spring convenor by mid June.    


Spring Baseball Registration Opens February 1, 2025


Winter Skills Program Update


Summer All Star Coach Announcement


Girls' Participation in Sports Rising in Canada
