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South Ottawa Little League

Senior (co-ed)

2025 Program
The senior division will participate in city interlock as is usual in spring and summer leagues. The program is tiered into Canadian and National divisions as described below.  We expect to form 1 Canadian and 1 or more National teams. 

Interlock starts on Sunday May 4.    Your first game could be on May 4, but not necessarily.  
Coaches and convenors will be in touch with players after the sort out in April. The game schedule will be posted on the District 2 site as soon as possible after teams are confirmed.  

If you have questions, please read the information below or contact the convenor at


Senior Program General Information:

In spring ball,
the Senior division plays an interlock schedule with other teams in District 6, District 2 and surrounding area. This is a tiered program where teams are divided into Canadian (A) and National (B) teams.  South Ottawa usually has two teams participating - one team in each division.

Home games are played at Southgate Diamond (Reston Park) on Lorry Greenberg Drive near the corner of Hunt Club.  Teams will have two games per week - one home and one away. Senior time slots are Mondays and Thursdays at 6pm, and when we have a third team games will also be scheduled on Fridays at 6pm and Sunday evenings.   Friday and Sunday evenings are possible for rescheduled rained out games.   Practices are scheduled at the discretion of coaches.  

The interlock schedule involves Ottawa and surrounding area teams which means travel can be as far away as Mississippi, Kemptville, Hawkesbury, Winchester.  Organizers take the distances into account when forming the schedule. This means that an unbalanced schedule is created and might mean that for example, Hawkesbury/Casselman teams might never be asked to travel to Perth/Mississippi.  Or that Orleans might play fewer games vs Kanata than vs teams closer and easier to travel to.  Where diamond time is available occasional games may be scheduled so that rush hour traffic is taken out of the equation.  Sunday later afternoon / early evening can be popular timing with teams so you may have a few games at that time although weekday games are still the norm.   Some leagues have lighted diamonds available for this age group which can allow for start times later than 6pm and ease rush hour travelling.  SOLL is centrally located and we don't experience as many painful experiences with scheduling and distances, however parents need to realize that travel is part of the reality.  ​

In summer ball, the playing format (Canadian/National) and participation in interlock league is the same.  If there are only enough players for one team usually that team is entered in the Canadian division.  If we have too many players for one team but not enough for two teams, we will refer players to other leagues that have space available based on tryout results. 

Schedules, rules and standings for the spring and summer leagues are available on the District 2 website

Spring Baseball Registration Deadline April 1


Coach Registration Open


Umpire Registration Now Open


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