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South Ottawa Little League

Minor (co-ed)

2024 Minor Division

In order to provide the best possible experience for all players we will form an interlock league with our friends in neighboring Glebe Little League if our numbers are not sufficient to form two divisons on our own.  This partnership was successfully piloted in 2021 and means that our teams play a few games at Glebe diamonds.  This allows two divisions to be formed and players streamed based on skills as described below.  The schedule will be unbalanced, meaning that most games will be against other SOLL teams.  Feedback was positive as parents felt that travelling to Glebe diamonds a few times is more than worth it because it allows us to provide a program tailored to the varying skill levels of minor aged players. Glebe's minor program is also on Tues/Thurs. 


Minor Program
Minor is a fun transition for players; this is where they are introduced to player pitch and  can steal bases. Yeah!

Two outings per week Tuesdays and Thursdays.
5:30pm warm up; 6:00pm - 8:00pm game. Practices are scheduled for all players on Saturday mornings in a clinic format at Leitrim diamonds.  Rained out games are scheduled at the discretion of the convenor and coaches.

The fields used for minors are: Grasshopper Hill (Kilborn Avenue), Leitrim Park (Bank at  Leitrim), McCarthy (at Paul Anka Drive),  Pauline Vanier (behind General Vanier School on Harkness, off Walkley near Bank St), Sharel Park and Playfair.  

*Players are divided into two groups in this division -- a Canadians division(A) and a Nationals division (B). This allows players to be grouped with similarly skilled players. Boys and girls playing the game for the first time as well as many of the players coming up from coach pitch may feel more comfortable in the National division.  Second year players and higher skilled first year players will enjoy competition more appropriate to their skill level in Cdn. The spring sort out process will determine where players will be aligned.  It is therefore very important that all players - new and returning- attend one of the sort out sessions.

The National program uses modified rules which allow players to learn to pitch without the pressure of endless bases on balls. Batters at this level are not granted walks so that they learn to swing the bat.  Please see the house league rules document located on our webpage under docs/policies.  

Keep in mind that player development is always the focus for all divisions at all levels. Players will have a chance to play every position and will have fair playing time as is required in spring ball.

General questions about this program can be directed to the Minor Convenor.  


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