Want to earn some extra money? contribute to youth sports? We're looking for adults and youth (13 yrs+). Check out the details on our umpire page. Training and support provided.
Spring Baseball Registration Deadline April 1 April 1 is the deadline for spring registration in all divisions except T-Ball. Programs for ages 4... -19; coed and all-girls divisions.
Coach Registration Open Calling all coaches. Register today to coach in our spring program. Training and mentoring provided... .
Umpire Registration Now Open Want to earn some extra money? contribute to youth sports? We're looking for adults and youth (13 y... rs+). Check out the details on our umpire page. Training and support provided.
Girls Baseball Thriving in Ottawa Over 400 girls play LL baseball in Ottawa. The Ottawa Girls Baseball Interlock league has exploded, ... fielding teams for ages 7 thru 16. SOLL has teams at every level. Come out to see the action --games are on Sundays - visit the D2 site for schedules and standings. https://d2llontario.ca/